Heads Up: The Turban Trend is Back!




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Happy Friday, dolls! I am so excited to share a DIY project with you today! I teamed up with MJ Trimming to introduce to you some of their amazing DIY projects, and first off is the Baroque turban. And yes, mark my words: Turbans are back! You mean you didn’t know they were ever a thing? Well, let me tell you that this trend really hit the stage ever since celebrities started wearing them back in 2012 (right when the boho trend took over!), and now they are back! It is the hottest, statement-worthy accessory to try! It is by far the chicest fall accessory that will accentuate your hair and face with a little bit of shimmer! Head on over to MJ Trimming to get yours today!

Find sewing instructions here.

As always, thanks so much for reading & have a wonderful weekend!

Thank You to MJ Trimming for sponsoring this post.

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DIY Turban: MJ Trimming c/o


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    • September 26, 2014 / 9:10 AM

      Thank you, Katherine!! Happy Friday!! xx

  1. Megan
    September 26, 2014 / 8:34 AM

    Wow! Why are you so gorge! Love this, girl! Stunning, as always!
    PS: You make wearing turban’s SO CHIC!

  2. September 26, 2014 / 8:47 AM

    This is fabulous! I love how pretty this is, with the dark colors. The lipstick is great too!

    • September 26, 2014 / 9:09 AM

      Megan –

      Thank so much, darling!! Have a great weekend!

  3. Charlotte
    September 26, 2014 / 10:30 AM

    Super obsessed with this look! You look great!

  4. Lisa
    September 26, 2014 / 11:21 AM

    V –

    this is so stunning! You totally convinced me on the turban! xx

  5. September 26, 2014 / 1:11 PM

    Hey! What can I say – You looks amazing, as always. I love the way you smile, but I already told you about that.
    Btw – Did you change your headline and put there a slider?

    • September 26, 2014 / 1:20 PM

      Hey sweetie, thanks so much!! Appreciate your sweet comments! My slider has always been there. Did you just see it now? xx

      • September 26, 2014 / 5:20 PM

        you know, probably I didn’t notice it before because usually I read your posts straight from my Theoldreader, so i see only post, not the whole skin of the blog, and today I visit also m
        home page and this slider was looking so nice, that I had to ask (i’m a bit a geek girl, so I put my attention to the stuff like this)

  6. September 26, 2014 / 1:16 PM

    Love the turban! So chic and elegant! – Lena

  7. Dana @ IveGotCake
    September 26, 2014 / 2:50 PM

    Don’t know if I can try it but it looks great on you!

  8. Jane
    September 26, 2014 / 3:00 PM

    STOP! So gorgeous! You have such amazing style…I adore you!

    • September 26, 2014 / 3:19 PM

      Jane –

      Wow, thanks so much! Means a lot!! ❤️

  9. Mel
    September 26, 2014 / 4:15 PM

    Hi, I’m Mel from Belgium and just wanted to tell you H O W much I love your blog! Your style is amazing.

  10. September 27, 2014 / 7:30 AM

    I LOVE turbans, I have to get one ASAP 🙂

  11. September 29, 2014 / 11:51 PM

    That looks so fab on expensive – hard to believe it’s a DIY! I made some turbans a while back – hopefully I’ll be able to share some on my blog come winter!

    • September 30, 2014 / 9:30 AM

      Victoria –

      Thanks so much!! I look forward to your post already! I’m kind of obsessed with turbans!

  12. October 5, 2014 / 11:54 PM

    wow, you are so pretty. i love your style <3

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