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    Holiday Gift Guide 2022

    The holidays are fast approaching, and if you’ve got a special someone, shopping …

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  • fashion
    The Beauty of Comfort

    What does comfort mean to you without having to compromise style? Many of you know: …

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  • fashion
    Holiday Style: Little Red Dress

    From power red to crushed velvet and wine, red reigns supreme this Holiday Season! Get …

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  • Sponsored
    Jelt Belt – Perfect Gift For The Holidays

    The holidays are fast approaching, and if you’ve got a special girl and/…

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  • My Favorite Hair Products

    My Favorite Hair Products

    Look no further! I’m thrilled to share my absolute favorite hair and beauty products with you all today! One of the many beautiful things of being a fashion and lifestyle blogger is the ability to try and test the newest beauty and hair products first hand! If there’s one thing I enjoy the most is than this would be testing all these products. And once I find products I truly love—then I’m pretty excited and committed to share these outstanding products with you! Today’s round up is no exception.

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    The Modern Retro Touch

    The Modern Retro Touch

    You’ve probably heard the saying “everything old is new again.” Fashion comes and goes and I secretly wished I saved more clothes from the early 1990s…since many old fashions always come back into fashion. Take retro for instance. Today, I’m going to give you a look at what modern retro is…Continue reading to learn more!

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    A Fifities Diner And An Anecdote On Friendship

    A Fifities Diner And An Anecdote On Friendship

    One of my goals for 2018 was to spend more time with my friends, as well as make new friends! As a working mother I may not have a whole lot of free time but I’ve learned that it is essential to simply make the time. I didn’t notice it at first, but my once carefree mornings are now busy and rushed, and the phone calls I used to make daily to chat with my best friend slowly turned into every other week (or month!) catch up calls. I knew this had to change so, this year I pledge to…

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    Spring Decor & Furniture Trends to Try this Season

    Spring Decor & Furniture Trends to Try this Season

    There is something about spring that gets me in the spirit to reinvent my home decor. The fresh flowers, the birds chirping, the sun shining, the reasons are endless. So, weather you are looking to renovate your home or retouch a room, there are some fresh new elements, accents, and color palettes you won’t want to miss this season.

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    Random Thoughts on Virtual Influencers

    Random Thoughts on Virtual Influencers

    Everywhere you turn these days, there’s talk of automation replacing people. In fact, just the other day I read an article on “Virtual Influencers“, aka a “virtual avatar” that exists only online. Technology is surely advancing at a rapid rate, can you believe that most of us (assuming you’re closer to my age) grew up without cell phones and now it seems that we cannot live without them?!  In today’s click-driven media environment, sensationalism sells, but just because tech aims to replace humans, this doesn’t mean it can replace human touch. I certainly beg to differ.

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