I don’t think it’s a secret that I have a love affair with faux fur coats. I’m celebrating all it’s fuzzy fakeness in the form of cozy cool coats this winter.
I don’t think it’s a secret that I have a love affair with faux fur coats. I’m celebrating all it’s fuzzy fakeness in the form of cozy cool coats this winter.
The beach is my happy place. ANY beach. I don’t care if it’s Lake Michigan or the ocean. It’s something about the smells and the sounds that soothe my soul. And being in California just this past week reminded me how much I love being by the water. Some of my greatest childhood memories are of my family taking me and my brother to the beach.
We’ve all heard it: If you want to live life to the fullest, research shows you’ve got to let go of regret. I’ve thought about this a lot lately. As a full-time publisher/influencer I spent a lot of time behind a screen. But this year I want to balance my time more. I am trading screen time for face time.
When I first started this blog, I was at an entirely different point of life. Little did I know back in April of 2014 that my creative space would turn into my full-time career. The last couple of years have been a whirlwind and I cannot believe that I’ve been blogging for almost 5 years! April 7th of this year will be my 5th Anniversary—holy cow!
A couple of days ago I’ve posted on Instagram my views on beauty and what it means to me. Little did I know of the outpouring love I would receive from all of you. I have mentioned this before but it’s quite refreshing to share our voice in an empowering way. There are so many stereotypes and societal expectations surrounding beauty and intelligence – expectations that make people believe that a beautiful person cannot be intelligent and that intelligent people aren’t attractive.