Albion Fit + Giveaway







I am so excited to announce that I have teamed with Albion Fit to give YOU a chance to win a $50 Gift Card to shop at Albion Fit yourself! I’m quite obsessed with this fitness and clothing company who offers some of the most unique and fashionable fitness wear ever (…seriously, who doesn’t want to look fashionable while working out?!). I absolutely love my leggings, they are super comfy and practical. Oh, and Chicago has been quite mild this past weekend which allowed me to work out at the beach! It was so nice to breath fresh, clean air while working out!

But enough about me and let’s start the giveaway… Shall we?!

For a chance to win simply enter via the Rafflecopter below! For an extra entry follow me @whatwouldvwear on Instagram, as well as Albion Fit @albionfit.

How easy is that?!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

As always, thanks so much for reading & GOOD LUCK!

shopthepost12LEGGINGS: Albion Fit c/o | TOP: Forever21 (old, similar here)


Black & White







Woohoo, it’s Friday, and S H O C K E R! No bold colors today!

Today I felt like wearing a simple & classic look (and yes, this might be weather related!). Sometimes, wearing black and white just feels necessary. Every time I wear black I instantly feel ‘clean’, and – call me crazy one this one – ‘uncluttered’. Effortlessly chic. Well put together.

Always the overdresser, my sense of minimalism here actually isn’t so minimal — since it includes some leopard print (I just wanted to add some extra contrast). And guess what?! I wore this ensemble to the office, and let me tell you: This maxi skirt is perfect for long stretches at your desk.

As always, thanks for reading & have a relaxing weekend! See you back here on Monday!

shopthepost12SKIRT: H&M (old, similar here) | SUNGLASSESIllesteva via Neiman Marcus | JACKET: Boutique from Germany (similar here for UNDER $50!) | HAT: Boohoo c/o (sold out, similar here) | SCARF: H&M (old, similar here) | HANDBAG: GiGi New York c/o


Pleated Skirt






Happy Wednesday, darlings! Glad you stopped by! Even though I’d choose bold colors over neutrals any day, I think this outfit is actually obsessing worthy! Prancing around in Chicago in this cropped sweater and midi pleated skirt (got an overwhelming amount of compliments on it) truly made me feel extra special. This combo of black and red are like a second skin to me – it just never gets old, does it?!

As always, thanks so much for reading & have a fabulous day!

shopthepost12SKIRT: Choies c/o | SWEATER: Choies c/o | BOOTS: Similar here | HAT: Boohoo c/o (similar here) | SUNGLASSES: Illesteva via Neiman Marcus | TIGHTS: Forever21 (sold out, similar here)

 This post was brought to you by Choies and my collaboration with them.


Shabby Apple New Collection 2015






I am excited to share a brand new Shabby Apple look with you today! This dress, along with many other fabulous pieces will be available on Shabby Apple starting this Thursday, January 15.

When the team at Shabby Apple contacted me and asked if I was interested in another collaboration with them, well, I literally couldn’t help but jump for joy!  I am a huge fan of Shabby Apple! If you haven’t heard of them before, they are an online dress boutique selling women’s dresses, casual dresses, skirts, and women’s apparel. What I love about them is their variety of colors and styles, and we all know that I LOVE colors!

As always, thanks so much for reading & don’t forget to mark your calendars! On January 15th this wonderful dress + many more amazing designs will be available on Shabby Apple.

shopthepost12DRESS: Shabby Apple c/o | SUNGLASSESIllesteva via Neiman Marcus | HEELS: Wild Diva via Lulu’s | NECKLACE: OASAP c/o

A big Thank You to Shabby Apple for this collaboration.








Happy Friday, darlings! It is absolutely freezing in Chicagoland which means I’m fully geared towards sweater weather! But, truth to be told, I don’t want to live in sweaters and jackets all winter long! Hence I found some other ways to keep myself warm. We all know that jackets, sweaters, hoodies, etc. are the most common way to stay warm, next to layering, of course (!) but have you ever thought about ponchos?! They are fantastic and a much trendier alternative! I prefer my poncho big, as in “go big or go home”. Seriously, overwhelmingly over-sized ponchos are everything this winter!

PS: I’m completely make-up free today except for the red lipstick! Yet I wasn’t sure whether or not I should post a make-up free look on the blog. I feel very much vulnerable but at the end of the day I thought: Who cares?! This is me – like it or not. So, dear readers…You’re finally getting a glimpse of me, Vanessa, the girl who loves fashion OH SO much!

As always, thanks so much for reading and have a fabulous weekend!

See you back here on Monday!

shopthepost12PONCHO: Bought in Rome almost 8 years ago! (N/A, VERY similar here at F21 and it’s ON SALE!) | PANTS: Boohoo c/o (sold out, similar here) | BOOTS: Sears (loving these here as well) | HAT: Boohoo c/o (similar here) | HANDBAG: CHANEL
